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" I’ve learned to grab every opportunity

that presents itself to me..

As you never know.

What is right around the corner. "






'Sweet sixteen. My first trip to London. As soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew it. This wasn’t going to be an easy city to shake. My sister had accepted a job with M & C Saatchi (lucky her). I was her first visitor (not so lucky her). I can still remember feeling so overwhelmed. By the noise. The lights. The traffic. The manic business of it all. That buzz.


After that first weekend in London, I was hooked.


Fast forward 8 years. I was working for a footwear company in Glasgow, after graduating in 2012. With a BA in Theatre Studies (connection? I know, tell me about it!) 2012 was tough. For any graduate in Britain. The recession had hit hard. Graduates all across the UK were struggling to begin their careers. I was damn lucky being in any job.


I always knew that London was on the cards for me. I just didn’t know when. I had interviewed unsuccessfully for dream jobs in Scotland since graduation. In May 2015 I decided it was time for a change.


After a long and painful conversation with my manager, he begrudgingly agreed to transfer me to our London branch. He probably knew what I really wanted. A way in. To London. I couldn’t believe it. I was so happy. (Little did I know, that long and painful conversation was just the beginning of more pain and stress – for my very stressful transition from Glasgow to London.


‘It’ll be fine’ I told my parents. ‘Don’t worry, I have everything under control, all I need to worry about is finding a flat.’


Famous. Last. Words.


Trouver un appartement à Londres a été un cauchemar absolu. La petite Rachael, optimiste et naïve, n'avait pas la moindre idée de ce qui l'attendait. Un mois entier passa. Je n'avais toujours pas trouvé d'endroit pour vivre. L'horloge faisait tic-tac. Tu n'as toujours pas trouvé d'endroit où vivre ! Les gens disaient. Ça m'a fait chier. Dire que j'étais stressé était un très, très grand euphémisme. La perspective de vivre à Londres mais de devoir dormir sur un banc de parc devenait de plus en plus réelle au fil des jours. Je me sentais désespérée.


Un dimanche soir. Dans la plus pure tradition Blackstock. On faisait un grand et bruyant rôti du dimanche. Ma mère avait prévenu la famille, sans parler de Londres. J'étais sur le fil du rasoir. Alors que nous étions tous assis pour dîner, la femme de mon frère s'est tournée vers moi. Et m'a dit. Je ne savais pas si je devais éclater en sanglots de joie ou de fureur parce qu'elle m'avait caché cela. Katia, la femme de mon frère, est tellement décontractée qu'elle est pratiquement à l'horizontale. Cela n'aurait donc pas dû me surprendre. Peu de temps après cette conversation (10 minutes), j'ai eu une discussion agréable avec ma nouvelle propriétaire et elle m'a donné le feu vert.


Juste. Comme. Ça.


La vie est drôle, hein ? Quand je pense qu'un jour plus tôt, j'étais au bord de la dépression nerveuse. Je me remettais en question. Je me préparais à partir. Maintenant, j'avais un endroit charmant. Dans la banlieue verdoyante de Herne Hill. Oh la vie - vous aimez nous tester !







Exactement deux semaines plus tard. J'ai fait le grand saut. Deux valises à la main et mon petit ami qui souffre depuis longtemps, j'étais partie. Il n'y avait pas de larmes, juste un pur soulagement et de l'excitation. En deux semaines, toute ma vie avait été bouleversée. J'étais prête à donner à cette nouvelle aventure tout ce que j'avais.


On Monday May 4th 2015, I arrived into London Kings Cross at 4.15pm. It was only now the nerves were really kicking in. I felt this strong pang in my stomach. ‘I must be absolutely mental.’ Those were the exact words that filled my head. I remember giving myself a strong talking to as we walked towards the taxi rank. ‘Okay, Rachael, let’s get this right…. you’ve moved to a city where you barely know anyone. You’re moving in with a complete stranger. And to top it all off. You’re leaving your poor lonely boyfriend (really not that lonely) behind, as well as all your friends and family?’. I began to turn back.







(From that date, I would definitely describe myself as a crier. Oh boy did I cry). After a long pep talk from my boyfriend, I got in the cab and off I went to begin my London adventure. Happy to report, I have not looked back.


I often ask myself, would I do it all over again? Was all the stress and tears worth it? Absolutely. My whole London experience is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I’ve met some truly incredible people and learned so much along the way and I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world.



" What’s the most important lesson

that I have learned along the way?

 Life. Moves. Fast. " 






Within two weeks my whole life was turned upside down. Was I scared? Yes. Was every single moment worth it? Yes. I’ve learned to grab every opportunity that presents itself to me. As you never know. What is right around the corner.



Rachael, the Big City Slicker



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