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Our motto has always been ‘Be Bold’. This is something we are incredibly passionate about. This year for #BeBoldForChange we’re encouraging everyone to – Be bold. Be present. Step up. Drive gender equality.  



Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s 2017 not 1913. Women aren’t fighting for the right to vote but they’re still fighting (hard) every single day! Despite Beyoncé's best efforts. A diva isn’t the female version of a hustler. A diva is bossy, she isn’t the boss.  



Whether it’s Jennifer Lawrence accepting a lower salary than Bradley Cooper in American Hustler because she didn’t want to be “difficult” or “spoiled”. Or whether its Chrissy Teigen having to defend herself on Twitter for going out to dinner after the birth of her daughter. The perception of what it means to be a woman is at odds with how we judge men.  Ladies – ‘stop accepting pickle juice’ (thanks Nicki). 



To celebrate this we’re chatting to our kickass Head of Finance, Fae, about her experience of working in a traditionally male dominated field.



fae reid butterfly twists 



Who would you say has been the biggest female influence in your life and why?

It would have to be Victoria Beckham - I grew up with the "Girl Power" of the Spice Girls giving the attitude that you can do anything you want to do! Now she is a successful designer which is still an inspiration to me working in the fashion industry. 


What do you think is the biggest issue currently facing women in the workplace and why?

Generally speaking women are underrepresented in the workplace the more senior the role becomes. I believe any woman can progress in her career if she wishes to however in many cases the career takes a backseat in order to focus on a family. You can have both, and the women who do are definitely an inspiration!


What does being a feminist mean to you?

Both sexes should be given equal opportunities, although equality extends out further than this, all humanity should be given equal rights regardless of sex, age, or status.


What do you think is the next big challenge we need to overcome in order to fully achieve (social, political and economic) gender parity?

I think employers are becoming more flexible in general with work life balance which really helps. The more employers give, generally the more they get back from a happy dedicated workforce.


Hillary Clinton is quoted as saying “too many women in too many countries speak the same language - of silence”. what would be the one piece of advice you’d give to women fighting to find their voice in the workplace?

Speak up! If you want something, then make it happen! Use that "Girl Power"!



What advice would you give to women around the world to help them succeed and be happy in the workplace?

Many women get stuck at a certain point in their career for various reasons. The best advice I can give is if you want something, be it the next step up or a new opportunity then don't be afraid to speak up about it and make it happen.  



Go Fae.



So how does this make you all feel? What are your own experiences? Join the discussion below...

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